Our Programs & Services
OFE offers a wide range of programming options, designed to get you ready for employment. Let us help you prepare for an effective job search and make a plan to address gaps in your skill-set through a variety of learning opportunities. Our programming is offered free to our registered Job Seekers.

Canada Goose Program
The Canada Goose Program (CGP) offers training to prepare job seekers for direct placement and long-term employment with Canada Goose in Winnipeg.
OFE and Canada Goose have partnered together to help over 1300+ people become employed as Sewing Machine Operators, Material Handlers and Laminators. Canada Goose offers full-time employment, a comprehensive benefits package, production bonuses, paid holidays, and a pension plan. The program includes one week of job specific training at OFE and two to four weeks of paid machine operator training at Canada Goose.
OFE provides plant tours and on-going coaching and support to help job seekers transition into full-time employment at Canada Goose. Applicants do not require prior sewing experience; all of the required training is provided and is free to OFE participants. This type of work will appeal to individuals who gain job satisfaction completing tasks and are quick learners with the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.

Community Employment Support Program
The Community Employment Support Program (CESP) is designed to improve the labour market success of job seekers who have been involved with the justice system and face the barrier to employment of having a criminal record.
The project is funded by the United Way. The funding allows us to employ a Dedicated Employment Consultant (DEC) to work primarily with individuals with a criminal record. The DEC also visits institutions, parole offices, halfway houses and other organizations to promote OFE services.
At OFE, participants with criminal records have access to our full range of programming, including one-on-one intake assessments, career exploration, motivational interviews, encouragement and confidence-building. In addition, we address job searching, resumes, cover letters and interview assistance. Participants are also referred to in-house modules and training. At OFE, we can advocate with employers for job seekers with particularly difficult barriers.

Community Home Services Program
This program offers meaningful employment to qualified job seekers and free housekeeping and yard care services to eligible customers in our community.
The Community Home Services Program (CHSP) provides Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) recipients with both training and employment opportunities. Job readiness assessments, paid work experience, job development and employment retention training are provided to CHSP participants along with a range of supports to reduce barriers to employment with a goal of self-sufficiency. Positions are full-time, Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.
As employees, individuals travel by bus in the City of Winnipeg to deliver services to CHSP customers. In addition, employees take part in programming designed to help them transition into permanent employment outside of the program at the end of the six-month term position.

Employer Partnership Program
The Employer Partnership Program (EPP) utilizes a demand-led model, which prepares individuals for full time, meaningful work in Winnipeg.
This program simultaneously helps fill labour shortages experienced by Winnipeg employers and provides the supports necessary to help participants achieve success through full-time employment. The program curriculum has been developed to provide employer specific Skills for Success training for targeted positions with OFE’s employer partners. We use a dual customer approach, which engages employers in the process of equipping individuals for the labour force. The model is responsive to the unique needs of individuals with varying levels of attachment to the labour force and to the needs of Manitoba employers as they seek new and innovative recruitment strategies, training solutions and human resource management practices to fill vacancies and retain productive employees. The labour market demand varies, but popular sector training currently includes: Manufacturing & Production, Health Services (Direct Support Worker), Retail & Hospitality, Customer Service / Contact Centre, Administrative / Office and Childcare Preparation.

Employment Assistant Services
Opportunities for Employment (OFE) offers a range of free services for Winnipeg job seekers and employers. Participants work one-on-one with an Employment Consultant to develop an employment plan tailored to their job search needs.
Those participants, who are job-ready, proceed to job search with coaching from their Employment Consultant. Participants who require assistance with job search skills and strategies may take part in a variety of learning opportunities, then proceed to a guided job search with an Employment Consultant. Our goal is to prepare individuals for the labour market and connect them with employers who are actively recruiting.
The Employment Assistance Services Program is open to Winnipeg residents who are unemployed or underemployed (working less than 20 hours per week). Our staff will help participants select the programming that best suits their needs and will help guide them to appropriate options to help them achieve their goals.

Employment Mentorship Program
The Employment Mentorship Program (EMP) is designed to assist Winnipeg employers in recruiting and retaining qualified skilled employees.
EMP consists of an extensive development program for participants, which includes essential skills training, employment preparation, work experience and mentorship through workplace coaching. An Employment Coach will act as a liaison with the employer and work one-on-one with the employee, ensuring adherence to workplace policies and procedures, creating positive working relationships and increasing job satisfaction between the employer and employee.
This program was developed as part of the Manitoba Works! Project and evaluated as part of a multi-year research study. The project moved into implementation in 2016 and continues to improve the labour market success and quality of life of low-skilled and low-income Manitobans through appropriate assessment and engagement in employment development and essential skills training.

Manufacturing Production Worker Program
The Manufacturing Production Worker Program (MPWP) is delivered under the Refugee Employment Development Initiative (REDI) and is designed to prepare people, with a Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) of four or less, to transition safely and successfully into long-term, full-time employment in the Manufacturing Sector.
OFE partners with the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT) for the delivery of this program. The program model uses a targeted, demand led approach and prepares people to work in a specific occupational environment in our local manufacturing sector. Key components include English for work, occupational specific essential skills training and work experience.
This program gives refugees, and other newcomers with low language skills, the opportunity to prepare for and take part in safe, meaningful work in Manitoba’s manufacturing sector and has been proven to increase their financial independence, giving them the stability to move forward on the settlement continuum and fully engage in the workplaces and communities they can call home in Manitoba.

Mature Worker Program
The Mature Worker Program (MWP) is for unemployed individuals who are 50+ years of age and who want to engage in the labour market.
The program offers career exploration and essential skills assessment. We help individuals to match their passions and interests to full-time or part-time employment or explore volunteer opportunities. Participants have a designated Employment Consultant and are able to collaborate on an employment plan, designed for them as an individual. The program provides access to modules designed specifically for mature job seekers and opportunities for participants to network with one another and take part in OFE’s broad range of employment services including skill enhancements like computer literacy modules, interview preparation and sector specific training.

Maximum Opportunities
Maximum Opportunities (MAX) provides enhanced employment and retention services to participants receiving Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) benefits.
These services are designed to promote successful transitions into the labour market. MAX supports individuals by improving their job search proficiency through targeted programming and personalized employment consultation. In this project, we use a concept we call “Team 360”, which is designed to address the distractions and/or reasons for not staying on task and to help individuals focus on their Employment Development Plan (EDP). Having an on-site Case Coordinator reduces the delays experienced attempting to acquire support and increases accountability.
Participants receive daily job search support, which includes employment consultation, access to our Job Resource Area, resume development, interview preparation, mock interviews and assistance with e-mail and on-line applications. Another important ingredient is the numerous employer forums where participants have the chance to hear directly from employers and have on-site interviews.
Milestones to Employment
The Milestones to Employment Program at OFE is designed to help racialized newcomer women secure employment using a demand-led model.
This project features fast-tracked employment programming including workplace preparation, occupational specific essential skills training and sector specific computer training. The training package has been developed to address employment-related challenges that newcomer women experience, such as cultural differences in the workplace, limited knowledge of workplace expectations and lack of Canadian work experience.

Stages of Change for Persons with Medical Conditions
The Stages of Change Program for Persons with a Medical Condition (SOC) is designed to assist job seekers with finding an achievable job goal, addressing skills gaps and connecting with employers to obtain long-term employment on a part-time or full-time basis.
Additionally, the program offers services to explore work readiness and applies the Stages of Change model and Motivational Interviewing techniques to address and resolve ambivalence. This is an employment program, which offers full access to OFE employment development and skill development opportunities to active job seekers.
The program provides client-centered services to EIA recipients living with a medical condition that may affect daily living or the ability to work. Using Stages of Change interventions and Motivational Interviewing (MI) techniques, our staff assesses the desire of project participants to seek and maintain employment. Stages of Change activities are designed to allow the participant to explore employment options and to support them as they increase their internal motivation.